Happy New Year and New Year Resolutions

Happy New Year everyone!!

Can you believe I haven't eaten since last year? You'd think I'm on a diet (sorry, I couldn't resist!). Honestly though, it's 2019 already. So much happened in 2018, both highs and lows, yet the years are ticking by like blinks. I want to press pause so I can get my life together before another year speeds past and I turn 100 years old without a good career and husband. 

No excuses or delays, this is the year to make even more good things happen. We will make sure our dreams become a reality, we will never give up and we will live! Above all, we will be happy.

This is our year.

Do you have any new year resolutions? Anything you want to change or improve this year? Most people base them around exercise and fitness, which is always a good goal (but often forgotten after a month or so). There are also social goals, career goals and skill goals you can work towards.

I am focusing on my health this year. I had a lot of problems last year and subsequently spent a lot of time ill. This year, I will try to use less medication and take more notice of my diet and exercise to naturally help my body function better. I am also going to try to do yoga more regularly again because it has so many health benefits. I will not spend another month ill.

Until next year (I'm kidding! You'll hear from me later this week).

Shanice x
