My Predicament

Hello blogosphere,

I'm in a predicament yet again. I started at Goldsmiths, university of London, but the course wasn't for me so I did what I am too good at, I left. I thought about switching to business but decided against it. I want to do something practical. When I left I decided I wanted to go straight into work, but much easier said than done. Finding a job in London is extremely hard.

I still want to go to uni because I want a degree, but what to study? Is it even worth going to uni again?

Onto plan B, find a course. I have signed up to an online event planning course and I can't wait to start it. I love planning things, its great! I am also going to try out a silversmithing workshop to see if it's something I want to pursue further. I love making jewellery, let's see if I love it enough though.

As well as the courses I want a Christmas retail job. I am a social person and I love meeting new people. The problem is I'm lazy; I need to be motivated to step outside my house.

So many choices but only one life.

Anyway, I'm sure I'll figure everything out soon. I have to trial things before I apply to uni or work.

Thank you for reading part of my life story lol.

Shanice x


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