TGIF Sweet Memories

Last Friday was a very memorable one.

It was the day I turned 20! No longer can I be called a teenager (though I'm sure I will be). How did I celebrate? I hear you ask. Well, I went to a lounge bar with Caribbean cuisine called Stonebar. It was supposed to be a chance for all of my good friends to get to know each other, but most pulled out.

I understand about work commitments and unforeseen circumstances etc but it was unbelievable. It was originally 20 people, but when I sent out the e-vitations (saving the planet by going electronic) 8 people couldn't make it. That left me with 12, which gradually became 9. Then on the day became 5. So that was my birthday celebration. Me and 4 of my friends (2 of which were my sisters) had a cosy night out.

Although most people didn't come, it was great! The food was AMAZING, the service was AMAZING and the drinks were (you guessed it) AMAZING! I definitely want to go back there.

Happy memories :)

I can't wait to plan my 21st birthday. It's gonna be major! This time I will keep it intentionally small.

Anyway, Friday is always the day I look forward to because it means the weekend is just beginning...

Shanice x


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